The Rosemount Fire Department is located at 1129 Orm Ave. Portsmouth, Ohio. We are one of two fire departments serving Clay Township. The Rubyville Fire Department serves the Eastern half of the township while Rosemount Fire Department serves the western half. Clay Township is located along the Scioto River and borders the city of Portsmouth, Ohio north. Clay Township is 36 square miles and has steep ridge line running through the township north to south. The departments operate independent of each other but share the same funding. The single source of funding is Clay Township property tax levied for fire protection.
In November of 1946, the residents of Clay township voted on and passed a $20,000 bond, for the purpose of purchasing, and maintaining fire apparatus and equipment. The first fire truck purchased was a 1941 Ford, 500 gpm midship pumper from Army surplus. The truck was housed in a members barn. When the dept received a fire call, all members reported to the barn, donned there gear, and responded with the pumper to the scene. This barn is still standing today.
It was not until mid. 1947 when land was purchased and construction began on the fire station. A single bay block building was constructed, with room in the rear for conducting meetings. The picture below, was taken in late 1947 or early 1948. Pictured are the Rosemount Fire Dept. (then known as Clay Township Precinct A) membership. The men that started it all. They are pictured in front of the first fire truck, and the newly completed first fire station.
In 1948, the Rosemount Fire Dept. responded to a fire call at a local farm north of Rosemount. The fire involved a large corn crib. The corn crib and it's contents were a total lost. Fire crews battled the fire for over 12 hours. The nearest water supply was a pond over 650 feet away. The firemen set two Hale FZZ portable pumps at the pond and hand lay two 1 1/2″ lines 650 feet to the pumper at the fire. These pumps ran non stop for over 12 hours. The Hale Pump company used pictures of this setup in there advertising of the Hale FZZ portable pumps as pictured below. This Ad ran in fire magazines across the nation. As the community grew, so did the fire dept.
Pictured below is the fire station taken around the mid 1970's, the additional bay was constructed around the mid. 1950's
This picture shows the fire station today. The four bay addition was constructed in 1985. Today, the fire station has six bays, a large meeting room, three offices, two storage rooms, a communications room, a maintenance room, and a member lounge. From one fire pumper in 1946, to two engines, one aerial, oneĀ rescue, and two ALS ambulances.